Vans with Drivers

Manufacturer: Mercedes Benz
Model: V220
Passanger Capacity: 7+1
Air Conditioning: yes
Equipment: audio/video system
tinted windows
leather seats
wifi (on request)
Additional Photos: Photo album of van Mercedes 7+1
Manufacturer: Hyundai
Model: H 350
Passenger Capacity: 13+1
Air Conditioning: yes
Equipment: audio system
Additional Photos: Photo album of van Hyundai 13+1
Manufacturer: Ford
Model: Transit
Passenger Capacity: 16+1
Air Conditioning: yes
Equipment: audio system
tinted windows
fabric seats
Další fotografie: Photo album of van Ford 16+1
Manufacturer: Mercedes Benz
Model: Sprinter
Passenger Capacity: 20+1
Air Conditioning: yes
Equipment: audio/video system
tinted windows
leather seats
wifi (on request)
Additional Photos: Photo album of van MB 20+1